Sport Studies

Lyman (Lee) E. Ellis III, Professor

Faculty from other disciplines also support this program.

Few social constructs impact institutions and cultural activities more than sport. Sport is a powerful agent of change that influences how people think, feel, and live their lives. Sport encompasses big business and entertainment, and impacts fitness, emotional well-being, and the way we socialize and educate young people about race, gender, class, and various notions of character—effort, attitude, grit, and fair play. In addition, sport contributes to national pride, can serve political agendas, and often takes on religious fervor.   

A sport studies minor complements and opens new vistas of inquiry and career opportunities for many students with an interest in sports who may also be considering careers in Digital Media and Journalism, Business, Educational Studies, Sustainability, and Athletics/Coaching. 

The sport studies minor is an interdisciplinary program of study that explores sport through many different lenses such as sociology, philosophy, and business, as well as in different contexts—educational, governmental, non-governmental organization (NGO), business, and leisure/recreation.

SPRT 119 Introduction to Sport Studies 3.0 SH [GESS]

This course is an introductory look at sport through specific sports events in history that have impacted many of the things we take for granted as sport participants, consumers, and as regular citizens with absolutely no interest in sports at all.
Class Level Restriction: Freshman and Sophomore only.

SPRT 219 Coach Character Educator 3.0 SH [  ]

Sport Coach as Character Educator is a guide to the pursuit of excellence through the practice of coaching. Students will be exposed to elements of effective coaching through the lens of character education. Topics explore coaching theory, notions of competition, ways to promote sporting behavior, myths about motivation and coaching styles, and models of positive coaching that bring winning results.

SPRT 240 Ethical Issues in Sport 3.0 SH [  ]

Ethical Issues In Sport is an introductory study and critical analysis of various ethical issues in the world of sport. Topics to be explored include ethical conflicts related to: competition, values and morality, sportspersonship and fairness, intimidation and violence, ergogenic aids for sports performance, racial and gender equality, commercialization of sport, and approaches to coaching ethically.

SPRT 260 Sport in Society 3.0 SH [GESS]

This course is a study of sport as a global social phenomenon. Students will critically analyze a broad range of topics in sport from cultures all around the world including gender equity, race and ethnicity, deviance and aggression, the business of sport, sport in the media, sport and religion, and sport in the 21st Century.

SPRT 360 Exploring Leadership 3.0 SH [  ]

Designed to survey the dynamic nature of leadership. Goals include: to explore basic theories and concepts of leadership, to identify personal leadership styles and learn how to adopt and use them, to improve and expand one's range of leadership skills, and to develop a personal approach to effective leadership by integrating personal leadership style and experience with leadership theory.
Class Level Restriction: Junior and Senior only.

SPRT 420 Focused Research or Practice 1.0-3.0 SH [  ]

Designed to allow students the opportunity for focused research within the field of sports. May be repeated up to a total of six semester hours provided topics differ. Offered on an independent contract basis only.
Class Level Restriction: Junior and Senior only.