B.A. Major in Spanish Language

This major will be discontinued at the conclusion of a teach-out plan. Please contact the academic department for more information. 

The B.A. major in Spanish Language requires 12 courses:

SPAN 204Intermediate Spanish I 13.0
SPAN 205Intermediate Spanish II 13.0
One Spanish culture course3.0-6.0
One Spanish grammar course3.0
One Spanish literature course3.0-6.0
One Spanish speaking/conversation course3.0-6.0
Two Spanish reading/writing courses5.0-6.0
One additional Spanish course at the 300 level3.0
SPAN 410Highlights of Hispanic Culture1.0
LANG 450Capstone Proposal1.0-3.0
SPAN 470Capstone3.0
Total Semester Hours31.0-43.0

In cases where a student places out of SPAN 204, the total number of required courses will be reduced to 11. In cases where a student places out of SPAN 205, the student will take an advisor-approved replacement course for 205 to complete a total of 11 required courses. 

Note: One advisor-approved course taught in English with relevant content supporting cultural, historical, political, or religious knowledge of Spanish-speaking countries may be used to fulfill a course requirement for this program.