Minor in Dance

A minor in Dance requires 11 courses:

DANC 370Dance Practicum Cast (4 SH requires course to be taken more than once)4.0
One of the following:3.0
Dance History
World Dance Cultures
One of the following: 3.0
Dance Composition
Theatre Movement
Two of the following:4.0-7.0
Color Studies
Topics in Dance History
Dance Topics
The Functional Moving Body
Creative Theory and Practice (minimum 3 SH)
Dance Practicum Staff (minimum 3 SH)
Choreography Practicum
Video Production
Intro to the Art of Music
Symphonic Masterworks
Operatic Masterworks
American Musical Theater
The Jazz Tradition in America
Music of the World
Great Composers &Their Culture
Music History I
Acting I
Intro to Theatrical Design
Five dance technique classes from the following:0.0-10.0
Dance: Ballet I - No Credit
Dance: Ballet II - No Credit
Dance: Ballet III - No Credit
Dance: Jazz I - No Credit
Dance Styles - No Credit
Dance: Modern I - No Credit
Dance: Modern II - No Credit
Dance: Modern III - No Credit
Dance as Movement - No Credit
Dance: Ballet I (1-2 SH)
Dance: Ballet II (1-2 SH)
Dance: Ballet III (1-2 SH)
Dance: Jazz I (1-2 SH)
Dance Styles (1-2 SH)
Dance: Modern I (1-2 SH)
Dance: Modern II (1-2 SH)
Dance: Modern III (1-2 SH)
Dance as Movement (1-2 SH)
Total Semester Hours14.0-27.0

Note:  See overview page for the departmental transfer credit policy.