Business Administration

Lucia De Paz Nicol, Associate Professor

Neil Kearney, Assistant Professor

Peter Tosto, Assistant Professor

Business administration is taught at Principia from the standpoint of concepts and principles. Learning these principles involves an integrated approach to the study of organizations, products, markets, resources, and governmental policies together in one educational package. Students graduating from this program should be able to demonstrate a solid understanding of core business principles, formulate and recommend solutions to complex business problems, communicate effectively both orally and in writing, and collaborate in a team environment.

Majors may pursue a general Business Administration major or a concentration in one of three areas: Entrepreneurship, Finance, or Marketing (see descriptions below).

Students are encouraged to declare their major by the second semester of their freshman year. Business administration majors are encouraged to complete BUAD 161 Business AnalyticsECON 203 Principles of Microeconomics, BUAD 215 Intro to Mgmt Info Systems, BUAD 251 Financial Accounting, and BUAD 252 Managerial Accounting by the end of their sophomore year. Any student declaring the business administration major after earning 60 semester hours must petition the department for approval of a graduation plan.

BUAD 430 Strategic Management must be taken at Principia College.

Students are required to participate in a career-based, off-campus, 3rd party internship experience at a business firm, government agency, or established NGO. Many positions will qualify, but the student must apply for the internship and get approval for it through the Career Center and the student's major advisor the semester before the work experience is to take place. The internship may be the BUAD 090 Business Internship (non-credit) course or a for-credit internship (on an Internship Learning Contract).

Business administration projects and independent study may be available by arrangement with business administration faculty.

A cumulative GPA of 2.000 or above in the for-credit major-required courses is necessary to complete any of the majors. Similarly, a cumulative GPA of 2.000 or above in the six courses required for the minor is necessary to complete either of the minors.

The application of transfer course credit to the major or minor is considered on an individual basis.

  1. For transfer students who have not yet attended Principia College: 
    For a major, transfer students must take at least five classroom courses (minimum of 15 semester hours) from Principia business administration departmental faculty. Four of these courses must be numbered in the 300 or 400 level. For a minor, transfer students must take at least three classroom courses (minimum of nine semester hours) from Principia business administration departmental faculty. Two of these courses must be numbered in the 300 level.
  2. For students who are currently enrolled or were once enrolled at Principia College:
    Students are expected to complete remaining major/minor courses at Principia. Exceptions must be pre-approved according to Principia's transfer policy. 

Entrepreneurship Concentration

The Entrepreneurship concentration allows business administration students to specialize in entrepreneurship and innovation by taking courses in innovation, new venture creation, business development, skills development, and to participate in a business incubator course that allows them to create their own new venture over the course of their studies at Principia. The program is supported by Principia's Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation which sponsors pitch challenges and other entrepreneurial workshops and activities.

Finance Concentration

The Finance concentration enables business students to develop a deeper proficiency in financial management. Students build on the core courses of the business administration major to enrich their understanding of financial portfolios and markets as well as develop proficiency in financial risk management, portfolio management, and corporate valuation.

Marketing Concentration

The Marketing concentration allows students to gain deeper training in marketing. This specialization in marketing provides students with an opportunity to gain deeper knowledge in market research, multi-channel marketing communication, and global market strategy, among others. The classes use real-life cases in order to effectively apply marketing strategies and principles in a business environment.

Departmental Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will demonstrate a solid understanding of core business principles in the primary areas of accounting/finance, marketing, operations, and management, as well as the interconnectedness of these disciplines in the running of an organization
  2. Students will formulate solutions to complex business problems
  3. Students will demonstrate professional conduct
  4. Students will demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills
  5. Students will demonstrate collaborative team-building skills

College Wide Student Learning Outcomes of Principia College: Defining a Liberal Arts Education

The curricular and co-curricular programs at Principia College are designed for students to be lifelong learners, thinkers, and problem-solvers. To accomplish this, the College has established the following outcomes for its graduates.

Guided by Principle, Principia College students will demonstrate:

  1. Depth and breadth of knowledge
  2. Critical and creative thinking
  3. Effective communication
  4. Intellectual inquiry and engagement
  5. Active commitment to community and global citizenship

BUAD 090 Business Internship 0.0 SH [  ]

Professional internship in an off-campus, 3rd party business setting that will prepare the student for a career in business. Position may be in any area of marketing, finance, operations, or management but must provide a professional career-based experience. The internship supports the Business Administration major by providing context and experience relative to the concepts taught within the major.
Field of Study Restrictions: Business Administration Majors only.

BUAD 110 Discovering Business 3.0 SH [GESS]

A course specifically designed for non-majors offering a new approach to the integrated discovery of basic business concepts. Students gain an understanding of how economics, entrepreneurship, management, marketing, accounting, finance, and business ethics all work together in the successful enterprise. Case studies involving companies, business leaders and entrepreneurs, as well as team projects, make business principles relevant for the student.

BUAD 120 Financial Literacy 1.0-3.0 SH [  ]

This course provides students with an introduction to key topics in personal finance. It explores money management, personal budgeting, financial services, credit, debt, real estate, home & auto insurance, investing basics, and retirement planning. Through weekly readings, videos, homework assignments and class participation, students will examine how financial decisions can affect their long-term financial stability.

BUAD 140 Innovation! 3.0 SH [GESS]

Innovation is a core 21st-century skill. This course uses design thinking, lean entrepreneurship, and prototyping as the means of developing creative confidence and rapidly creating a successful new product or service. Multiple design projects are used.
Class Level Restriction: Sophomore and Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 161 Business Analytics 3.0 SH [  ]

Covers the business use of analytical methods such as decision trees, scorecards, forecasting, clustering, regression and optimization to solve business problems and make business decisions. Descriptive, inferential and predictive statistics and probability are covered as the foundation of business analytic decisions and the study of operational variability. A business analytic team project is included.
Class Level Restriction: Freshman and Sophomore only.

BUAD 215 Intro to Mgmt Info Systems 3.0 SH [  ]

Students increase their technical perspective of business by exploring the systems, information, people, strategies, and technology delivery models that drive companies' critical digital infrastructure. Using case studies and projects, students analyze and practice the roles of IT manager, business user, technology vendor, and consultant in the context of enterprise software solutions, networks, digital media, and data platforms.
Prerequisite: BUAD 251 (with a grade no lower than C).
Class Level Restriction: Sophomore and Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 251 Financial Accounting 3.0 SH [  ]

Stresses the recording and analysis of business transactions. The accounting cycle and preparation of those financial statements required for evaluating the financial status of proprietorships and corporations are emphasized. Also covers specific categories of assets, liabilities, and equity, including corporations. Includes Excel applications and an Internet-based practice set.
Prerequisite: BUAD 161.

BUAD 252 Managerial Accounting 3.0 SH [  ]

Builds on the accounting principles studied in BUAD 251. The primary emphasis is the use of accounting for internal management. Cost accounting systems, accounting information for managerial decisions, tax considerations and capital budgeting are stressed.
Prerequisite: BUAD 251 (with a grade no lower than C).

BUAD 255 Entrepreneurship 3.0 SH [  ]

The course provides context of current entrepreneurship landscape through books, case studies and in-class discussions. Students gain an understanding of the systematic process for creating a new start-up and/or new product development - gaining understanding of diverse business models, project development methodologies, ideation, marketing, operations, and financial modelling.
Prerequisite: BUAD 140.
Class Level Restriction: Sophomore and Junior and Senior only.
Field of Study Restrictions: Entrepreneurship Minors only.

BUAD 270 Sustainable Business & Econ 3.0 SH [  ]

This course considers both sustainable business and sustainable economics more widely. Topics typically covered include key concepts and issues related to sustainable business and economics, business strategies for sustainability, sustainable consumerism and branding, public policy for a sustainable economy and concepts for a sustainable future economy.
Class Level Restriction: Sophomore and Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 301 Seminar 1.0-3.0 SH [  ]

A seminar in selected topics in business administration or economics. The contents will vary, and the title will be extended to describe the current topic. May be taken more than once provided the topics differ.
Class Level Restriction: Sophomore and Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 310 Investments 3.0 SH [  ]

Investment instruments including common stock, corporate and government bonds, mutual funds, options; determination of value; security analysis; investment philosophies; historical returns; crowd behavior and the lessons of history; emphasis on value-based, long-term investing.
Prerequisite: BUAD 251.
Class Level Restriction: Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 320 Marketing 3.0 SH [  ]

An introduction to the principles of creating value for customers and building and managing strong, profitable customer relationships. Students study the nature of consumer and business-to-business markets and the role of strategic marketing planning, marketing research, pricing, distribution, and advertising. Students study and analyze contemporary cases to understand how marketing principles are used to guide decision-making in organizations.
Class Level Restriction: Sophomore and Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 321 Marketing Research 3.0 SH [  ]

Emphasizes the role of marketing research and consumer behavior in marketing management. Topics included are research design, test marketing, secondary sources, survey research, questionnaire design and data analyses, attitude measurement, and product, pricing, and promotional research. The course emphasizes the importance of consumer focus from recognizing needs to generating pre through post purchase satisfaction.
Class Level Restriction: Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 326 Multi-Channel Marketing 3.0 SH [  ]

Interdisciplinary course open to students majoring in Business Administration or Mass Communication. The course addresses changes in the marketing environment and how an integrated approach is necessary for success. Students integrate outbound channels such as digital marketing, video, public relations, print, direct mail, and email with inbound channels such as blogs, social media, website optimization, and pay-per-click for superior results.
Class Level Restriction: Junior and Senior only.
Field of Study Restrictions: Business Administration, Mass Communication Majors only.

BUAD 328 Global Strategic Marketing 3.0 SH [  ]

Cultivate marketing global business perspectives from a strategic standpoint. Develop an ability to analyze, define, discuss, and execute the marketing process and strategies that firms require when marketing their product or services internationally. Topics will include: international marketing environment, cultural dynamics, global marketing channels, marketing to bottom of the pyramid, global advertising, and strategic alternatives & expansion, among others.
Prerequisite: BUAD 320.
Class Level Restriction: Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 330 Management 3.0 SH [GESS]

A seminar course that evaluates several major management models that have been employed internationally over the past several decades. The works of noted thought leaders in management philosophies and business models are examined and compared to current management theory and practice. The qualities required of management to be effective in planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizations on an ethical basis are identified and stressed.
Class Level Restriction: Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 335 International Business 3.0 SH [  ]

Business competition and strategy is global, and to successfully manage and operate an international corporation requires an understanding of complex economic, political, cultural, and governmental issues. This course uses case studies, discussions, papers, and projects to explore the methods and operational strategy of businesses and multi-nationals within a global context. ECON 203 and ECON 204 are recommended but not required.
Class Level Restriction: Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 336 Organizational Effectiveness 3.0 SH [GESS]

Students will learn about the theories and practices that create effective organizations. This course presents theories relating to the behavior of individuals and groups within formal organizations and focuses on organizational behavior, organizational structure, organizational development, and organizational change management. These theories are applied to case studies and work experiences to gain a practical understanding.
Class Level Restriction: Sophomore and Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 340 Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt 3.0 SH [  ]

Covering both a firm's operations and supply chain management, topics include production, logistics, quality, capacity, and inventory management. This course incorporates many applied quantitative business methods such as optimization, forecasting, and business process design.
Prerequisite: BUAD 161.
Class Level Restriction: Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 350 Business Law 3.0 SH [  ]

Fundamentals of business law. Law as a process for resolving and preventing business problems. Study of impact of law and government regulations on business organizations and activities. Practical exercise in negotiating contracts, handling lawsuits, and understanding legal principles.
Class Level Restriction: Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 351 Intermediate Accounting 3.0 SH [  ]

Builds on the accounting principles studied in BUAD 251 and BUAD 252. The primary emphasis is on intermediate financial accounting principles: statement preparation, asset accounting, liabilities and stockholder's equity accounting. Application as well as theory. Offered on demand.
Prerequisite: BUAD 252 (with a grade no lower than C).
Class Level Restriction: Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 360 Managerial Finance 3.0 SH [  ]

Fundamentals of financial management of the business enterprise. Needs for funds; financial planning; cost of capital; capital structure; dividend policy; capital budgeting; long-term financial and corporate securities; financial aspects of expansion, reorganization.
Prerequisite: ECON 204, BUAD 252 (with a grade no lower than C) and BUAD 161.
Class Level Restriction: Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 365 Internship 1.0-3.0 SH [  ]

Professional internship in a 3rd-party business setting that prepares students for a career in business. Position may be in any area of marketing, accounting, finance, data analytics, operations, management or HR, but must provide a professional, career-based experience. The internship supports the Business Administration major by providing context and experience relative to the concepts taught within the major.

BUAD 375 New Venture Incubator 1.0-3.0 SH [  ]

This course is a project-based, hands-on learning course supporting students starting a new business. The class will support the entrepreneurial process of students in taking steps to nurture their own business. We use lean startup models of business development by testing business assumptions and encouraging entrepreneurial learning. May be repeated three times for a maximum of 7 semester hours.
Class Level Restriction: Sophomore and Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 404 BusMgt Project 1.0-4.0 SH [  ]

Focuses on developing professional expertise through planning and executing a professional project. Projects may include case studies, research and analysis, or field work. Additional project types available with instructor approval. Offered for variable credit from one to four semester hours. A one-semester hour instance of this course may serve as a project proposal, followed by a three-credit hour project execution.
Class Level Restriction: Junior and Senior only.

BUAD 430 Strategic Management 3.0 SH [  ]

Integration of the functional areas of business management in formulating and implementing the policies of the enterprise. Topics included are mission statements; industry analysis; internal SWOT analysis; corporate, business, and functional level strategies; generic and grand strategies; empowerment; restructuring; and strategic control. Course includes a capstone research paper.
Prerequisite: BUAD 320, BUAD 336, BUAD 340, and BUAD 360.
Class Level Restriction: Senior only.
Field of Study Restrictions: Business Administration Majors only.

BUAD 440 New Venture Creation 4.0 SH [  ]

Students apply understandings of the multiple functions of a business enterprise - management, marketing, accounting, operations, and finance. Students will demonstrate a mastery of business principles and teamwork, developing a business plan for a new venture. They will be required to participate in a New Venture Incubator. A final pitch presentation will be given to a group of simulated "investors".
Prerequisite: BUAD 320 and completion of or concurrent enrollment in BUAD 360.
Class Level Restriction: Senior only.