Off-Campus Programs

Principia offers several types of off-campus programs:

  • Principia study abroad and domestic field programs (contact Principia Study Abroad)

  • Academic internships (contact Career Center)

  • Independent course contracts, when off campus or during interterm (contact Registrar's Office)

Study Abroad Programs are directed by a Principia full-time, continuing, faculty member and are interdisciplinary, experiential learning programs in a country other than the United States. These unique academic programs help students to develop intercultural competence and multicultural professional competencies as they stretch their own perceptions of themselves and the world. Students are also challenged to meet the demands that come with living, traveling, and working together as a learning community. A student's enrollment in any study abroad program approved for credit by Principia College may be considered as enrollment at the College for the purpose of applying for assistance under the Title IV, Higher Education Act (HEA) programs. 

Domestic Field Programs are directed by a Principia full-time, continuing, faculty member and are similar in many ways to Principia study abroads. Field programs, however, are conducted in the United States.

Besides the international and domestic programs operated by the Study Abroad Office, classes sometimes also have both domestic and international field opportunities.

Academic Internships give students the opportunity to participate in a third party professional work environment while receiving academic credit. It is the student's responsibility to search for internship opportunities. The Career Center staff can provide assistance in the search process. Students work with a Principia College faculty member who assists in developing the learning contract, maintains contact with the student during the internship, and gives a grade based on the learning contract. Internships will be in person or, if approved by the department, the student may participate remotely. Exceptions to third party internship experiences will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

At least one term prior to the intended internship, a qualified student should complete the formal process of developing and obtaining approval of an Internship Learning Contract between the student and Principia. Check the published academic calendar for specific due dates for Internship-related paperwork.

To be eligible for an internship, students must be in good academic standing. Exceptions must be approved by Scholastic Committee. 

For information on tuition charges see "Internship for academic credit tuition fee" in Fees and Personal Expenses.