Principia College Student Ombuds

The Principia College Student Ombuds is a trained professional, who is expected to serve students compassionately and empathetically. The Student Ombuds is available to assist students who may be facing a challenging or frustrating situation in their academic experiences while at Principia College. The Ombuds will actively listen, share resources, and gently guide students to find the most comfortable next step in resolving any issues or concerns.

The Ombuds treats each conversation with 1) confidentiality, 2) impartiality, 3) informality, and 4) independence. These are the four ethical principles under which organizational Ombuds operate.

Confidentiality is maintained at all times unless there is imminent danger to the student (or others) or the student gives permission to share information. The Ombuds does not keep records or report to anyone in administration. However, if a particular issue comes up several times from several different students, showing a pattern, that trend is shared with the College President in order to help make change for the better. This reporting is always done anonymously.

The Ombuds may be contacted by emailing