Other Rules
Majors and Minors
Approval of or removal of all majors, minors, concentrations, and their requirements rests with the College Curriculum Committee and Faculty Senate, with final approval by the administration.
Graduating seniors cannot add additional majors and/or minors to their academic record after the end of drop/add of their final term.
A major or minor not completed by graduation will be removed from the student's record unless a post grad plan is in place for the student.
Arrival on Campus
All students must be on campus for the first day of classes. New students must be on campus to attend their first scheduled orientation activity. Students needing to arrive late for classes for legitimate reasons must make arrangements with the professors of classes they will miss prior to missing any classes. All students arriving late risk being dropped from classes.
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend class regularly and must be actively pursuing and successfully completing the term(s) for which they are enrolled. They will be responsible for knowing and abiding by the attendance policy set by the professor of each course and explained in the syllabus for said course. In the case of non-attendance, students risk failing the class or being excluded from class.
Exclusion from Class
During the term, a student may be excluded with an “F” from a course for reasons including, but not limited to, non-attendance, disruption of class, plagiarism, or cheating. When excluding the student from class, the instructor must inform the student in writing of the reason for the exclusion and allow the student to respond. Faculty may consult with the Registrar when considering an exclusion from class. A copy of the letter will be sent to the Scholastic Committee. A final grade of "F", and not a withdrawal grade, will be given for the course once a student is excluded.
Field Trips
Field experiences are an important aspect of the academic program. A field trip is defined as any enriching academic experience better implemented outside the classroom. A conflict field trip is defined as a field trip which would cause any student to miss a previously scheduled, faculty-assigned activity. A work conflict field trip is defined as one which has been announced after the fifth day of class or after a student has made an employment commitment based on announced class/field trip schedules, whichever is later, and which conflicts with a student's employment commitment.
Field Trip Guidelines
- If a field trip is not a conflict field trip or a work conflict field trip, the instructor may require the student to participate.
- Attendance cannot be required at conflict field trips, work conflict field trips, or work which conflicts with field trips.1 It is assumed that every faculty member has the right to schedule activities for a student during the regular class meeting time.
- 1
Exception: If no qualified substitute is available for a student’s job, and/or the job must be done at a specific time, the employer should let the field trip instructor know that the student is needed at that time. The employer may, in this case, require the student to be at work.
End of Semester Assignments and Final Examination Scheduling
End of Semester Assignments
In order to assure that students have adequate time to prepare for final examinations, faculty should carefully consider the demands they place upon students. The week prior to final exams shall be free of major assignments (e.g., tests, papers or projects) unless they have been announced at least two weeks in advance of the due date. It is expected that during this period all assignments and final activities, including any combination of in-class and outside class work and preparation for final exams, will adhere to the normal rule of three hours per semester hour per week. See Academic and Non-Academic Credit Rules. Required activities must not interfere with students’ ability to prepare for final examinations. See Grades and Grading for more information on final grades.
Final Examination Scheduling
- In-class written examinations must be taken during their scheduled final examination periods.
- Take-home examinations must be distributed to students no later than the last officially scheduled, regular class meeting of the semester and are due within the scheduled time of the final examination for that course.
- Notification of final exam meeting time must appear on each course syllabus. If attendance is not required during the scheduled final examination time, students should be allowed to submit final coursework in advance, if they so choose.
- Students who, for legitimate reasons, wish to reschedule their final examination must petition the Scholastic Committee by the deadline specified in the academic calendar. However, if a student has a conflicting examination schedule due to evening or unscheduled classes, the instructor of one class may arrange to give the student the examination at another time without petitioning Scholastic Committee. A student who has three final exams scheduled on the same day may petition the Scholastic Committee to have one of the exams rescheduled. Transportation arrangements for leaving campus at the end of a term must accommodate the student's exam schedule and are not considered reason for rescheduling an exam.
- Faculty who, for legitimate reasons, wish an exception to this policy must petition the Scholastic Committee for permission.
Exceptions to Academic Rules
Students who have questions about exceptions to academic rules should inquire with the Registrar.