Principia Expectations

Principia's expectations hinge on the principles set forth by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and by Mary Kimball Morgan, who established The Principia.

Mrs. Eddy originally called her teachings “moral science” and repeatedly stated that strong morals are indispensable to the successful practice of Christian Science. Her writings include many references to honesty, purity, temperance, fiscal responsibility, obedience to the Golden Rule, and abstinence from addictive substances. The following examples help to elucidate Principia’s moral standards in their spiritual context: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, (p. x:30, 115:26, 453:16, 449:11) and The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, (p. 114:3.)

Reflecting Mrs. Eddy’s teachings, Mary Kimball Morgan believed that a Principian’s behavior should be characterized by high standards of integrity. In a message originally directed to college men, but equally relevant to all students, she challenged each to consider these questions:

Are you the man who has learned to act from Principle in all that he does; one who has learned to regulate his conduct according to the demands of Principle so that he is not swayed by impulse, by mortal opinions, or by human will-power; one who does not make a god of his own selfish desires but has the aim of being of service to his fellowman; one whose outlook on life is bigger than his own personal interests, a life above pettiness and worry; one who constantly subordinates his animal nature to his finer instincts, thus training himself to strengthen only those qualities which make for mental and moral cleanliness and purity of character?

Do you believe that youth has to sow its wild oats? The farmer who believed he had to sow wild seed with his good seed would reap unfruitful crops. We reap as we sow. Every act determines how much of a success a young man is going to be. He who compromises with error throws his weight by that much into the wrong scale (Education at The Principia, p. 196).